It is not unusual to form a deep and lasting bond with our dentist. We put our trust in them every time they examine our mouths. When Mary’s NHS dentist retired some years ago, she was initially sad to say goodbye. Mary is now a patient of Dr James Main. Here, she speaks enthusiastically about some of the dental treatments she has had over the years, which have proved to be one of the best investments she has made.
Mary is an extremely active retired professional lady. When she is not dog walking or volunteering, she is usually holidaying in some of the world’s most exotic locations, cruising around the Arctic Circle, visiting fiords in New Zealand, or exploring Africa and Peru.
Being able to choose whatever she liked from a menu on holiday was one of the things that she missed. She recalls, “My gums had become infected and unfortunately this led to the loss of a few of my back teeth over the years. As a result, my top and bottom teeth didn’t marry up. I ended up chewing with my front teeth, which is not advisable in the long term.”
Her previous practice suggested a denture but she knew that a removable plate was not for her. She was also getting to the stage where she did not see the same dentist more than once and wanted a more personal service.
Natural-looking teeth replacements
Mary was curious to find out what other options were available. After seeing an advertisement in the local newspaper, Mary booked a free initial consultation with Dr James Main. This was followed by a full clinical examination and a CT scan to assess the bone volume in her jaw.
James Main explains, “Several of Mary’s back teeth were missing and she was finding it increasingly difficult to chew. We talked about a combination of two natural-looking crowns for the right side and a dental bridge for the left. These would blend in with her own teeth and would be supported by dental implants which would replace her missing tooth roots.”
Lasting value
Once it was determined that Mary was a good candidate for implant treatment, she seized the opportunity with both hands and was surprised to find that the experience was relatively straightforward and pain free. In time, it gave her back her freedom to eat whatever she fancied.
She was also keen to have her teeth whitened at the same time, commenting that it ‘knocked years off her appearance’. Since becoming a patient, Mary also committed to learn how to take good care of her teeth under James’ guidance, and now has a regular oral hygiene routine which can be carried out at home. “James and his team have taught me how to take better care of my teeth and gums, so nowadays I need to see the dentist less, not more!”she adds.
To other patients who are keen to get their life back on track, Mary enthuses, “The dental implants were worth every penny and have provided lasting value and reassurance. Nowadays I don’t have to worry – I have complete confidence in my mouth.”
